The Rippers Call of Duty 4 Tournament 2020 Winner

84 Teams and 1 Winner. CONGRATULATIONS to Team SPARTA for winning the The Rippers Tournament 2020. A team with outstanding coordination and skill dominating all the opponent teams throughout the tournament making their way into the finals and having a great victory in the Finals as well without losing a single map in their entire journey (3-0).

Morfine with his scope playing a role as the backbone of the team.

DK and DUKE with their AKs watching the flanks and covering their team mates.

ZAIN and Freeezy with their SMGs rushing into the enemies and making a way for the team to be the Champions.

Although Reality was not playing the finals but his performance in Semi Finals was remarkable and unmatched.

Along with this Nice Try by team PAK which fought well against SPARTA and other teams. A well emerging team in the community but hard luck for them in this tourney and best of luck for next time.

Freeezy and Zain the MVPs of the tournament for their excellent performance and rushes throughout.

Following are the top 4 ranking;

Champions: TEAM SPARTA

Runner-Ups: TEAM PAK

3rd Position: Team Divinity

4th Position: Team Fate

Special thanks to Major Zabih for streaming the finals and the team of admins for making this tournament successful. Along with that thanks to the you guys that are part of this community supported us throughout and showed positive response.

Once again TEAM SPARTA many many CONGRATULATIONS for winning this tournament.

Until next time INSHAALLAH 🙂❤

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