
61 Energies
286 Gems
44 Health Points

61 Energies
286 Gems
44 Health Points


1 Energy Award

  • 1 Energy for reply to an item in an activity stream 1 time

1 Energy Deduction

  • -10 Energies for invite someone to join a group 1 time


5 Gem Awards

  • 1 Gem for log in to website 1 time
  • 2 Gems for log in to website 1 time
  • 5 Gems for comment on a post 1 time
  • 15 Gems for publish a new post 1 time
  • 20 Gems for join a group 1 time

Health Points

1 Health Point Award

  • 10 HP for daily visit the website 1 time

1 Health Point Deduction

  • -50 HP for join a group 1 time

Ready to start your journey?

If there is nothing in a chest, the chest doesn’t mean anything

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